Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Recycle your Unwanted Clothes in NYC...

Think twice before tossing your clothes in the garbage. Each year two quadrillion pounds (that's a two with fifteen zeroes!) of used clothing end up in landfills and that’s only in the United States!
Did you know how long it can take textiles to degrade if they are thrown away?

Luckily, there are better solutions than just tossing out your old clothes...

Gwen went to the Green Market at Union Square and discovered the company Wearable Collections that recycles your unwanted clothing in the NYC area and donates to charity:


For where and when to recycle your textiles, click here.


Q: Why a textile recycling program?
A: 5.7% of NYCs residential waste stream consists of textiles like clothing and towels. All told, New Yorkers discard 193,000 tons of textiles every year in NYC, at a cost to taxpayers and our environment.

Q: What items are accepted?
A: Our collections accept clean clothing, shoes, bedding, linens, hats, handbags, belts and other textiles.

Q: What happens to materials donated?
A: Materials are sorted into different grades including usable/non-usable, cotton scrap, cotton blend scrap and synthetics. These commodities are then sold for reuse or to recycling markets that turn materials into wiping rags, fiber for car seats and insulation.

Q: Is my donation tax deductible?
A: Yes! Your contribution to the program directly benefits Council on the Environment, Inc.

Q: What if I can't make it to these collections?
A: If you are unable to attend our weekly collections, contact Wearable Collections at 646-515-4387 or info (at) wearablecollections.com to see if you are eligible for a home pick up. Better yet, visit http://www.wearablecollections.com/ to find out how to set up a textile recycling program in your apartment building!

Q: Can my business bring items to the drop-off sites?
A: NYC law requires businesses to recycle textiles if they comprise more than 10% of the company's total waste stream. Visit NYCWasteLess to find a vendor.

1 comment:

shredding San Antonio said...

We can now recycle almost anything these days and with our support, waste management will be regularized. In areas where there are not much land or space, we really need to be practical and store the things that we need. If we have too many clothes, we can opt to recycle them or donate them to organizations handling relief goods to the less unfortunate. With recycling, we can make use of our old paper documents, billings, newspapers, plastic items even electronic gadgets.


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